Hereby we Ditas Dogan Yedek Parca Imalat ve Teknik A.S. undertake in all activities, products and services are subject to the requirement specifications for the environment and our industry to fulfill legal responsibilities, as well as increasing environmental effects resulting reduction and continuous improvement of our environmental performance on a voluntary basis in order to carry out the necessary research and studies to support his work and are committed to this goal.
In order to achieve the specified policy, the following principles will be considered when planning studies and projects.
Principles Of Environmental Policy
♦ To make efforts of efficient use for the consumed energy and naturel resources, to maintain and improve it.
♦ To make studies regarding to reduce pollution , re-use of waste, recycling, and ensure the appropriate disposal and keep them under control.
♦ Ensuring to increase environmental awareness for all employees.
♦ Keep our policy open to the public. To keep our suppliers, customers and other interested parties informed about environmental policy.
To be informed of our suppliers and customers? environmental policy and to take it into consideration to improve our environmental performance.